Enjoy an evening of Christmas music and drama as Bible Baptist Church presents the Christmas cantata “Celebrate the Savior” on Sunday, December 17, at 6:00…
For the past sixty years, Bible Baptist Church has been spreading the Gospel in the Terre Haute area and around the world. God has abundantly…
Vacation Bible School is just around the corner. Sign up your 4-12 year old to join us as we travel back to the beginning of…
Join us under the tent each night at 7 PM to hear encouraging gospel music and convicting Bible preaching. Every first-time visitor receives a free…
Join us for our Easter service tomorrow at 9:30 AM as we celebrate our risen Lord! Following the morning service, families can get a free…
Winter Revival starts tomorrow and continues through Wednesday! Evangelist Ken Graham will be preaching for each service, and he and his wife will provide special…
What a wonderful day God gave us yesterday! We had 324 in attendance with 15 precious souls saved. We praise God for all He has…
Vacation Bible School is just around the corner. Sign up your 4-12 year old to join us as we travel to the Land Down Under….
It’s almost here! Our annual tent revival is one of our favorite events of the year. Come hear powerful preaching and uplifting, heartfelt singing under…
Today we celebrated a momentous occasion in our church’s history as we broke ground on the new addition. The new addition will add extra classrooms…
Join us for this historic Sunday as we break ground for our new addition. The addition will add nine new classrooms, a chapel, school office,…
Come celebrate our risen Savior with us this Easter Sunday. Sunday School begins at 9:30 AM with the main service to follow at 10:30 AM….